Better (& Much Easier) Than Apple Pie?

December 7, 2011 § 5 Comments

Need a quick snack or dessert for the holidays? Short on time? Here’s a solution for you. Slice up a few apples, toss in some sugar and spice, and pop open a can of crescent rolls and your ready to go! What could be better than crescent rolls and apples? These bundles are debatably better than apple pie! Make more with less!

1 Can of Crescent Rolls
3 Apples
1 Tbsp Cinnamon
2 Tbsp Sugar
1 Tbsp Melted Butter

Slice apples into thin slices and mix with sugar and cinnamon. Pop open crescent rolls and slice each rollin half. Place apple slices on one end of the crescent and roll up with the rest of the roll.  Brush top of rolls with butter, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, and bake at 350 for 20 minutes or until rolls golden brown and done baking. Enjoy!

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